domingo, 17 de febrero de 2008

Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall

21 abril 2007

Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall

Suddendly, without any kind of warning, winter is seem to be defeated finally. Cold winds are blown away, snow has run away. Winter has flown. Now, Spring merges from the loam, victorious. The premature flowers rise, shy, afraid of the treachery of winter, although it is not coming back. However the Spring is still young, and weak, and the reminiscences of winter stay, to cool people's hearts. Nevertheless, Day is now ready to face Night. Each day will became longer, so shed no tears, and listen to the birds song. Enjoy this time of year, because soon night will face again the day, and days'll become shorter, and night longer, and life darker and colder.
I really love this time of year. Nine o'clock, and there is still daylight. Priceless.

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