domingo, 17 de febrero de 2008

There's a guard

27 julio 2006

There's a guard

Ssssh! Don't speak aloud. He will hear you. There's a guard outside my room. I know it's outside the door. He's against the wall---outside. I cannot see him but in the corner of my eye. If I stare at him he disappears. But I know he is out there. He never looks at me. He never looks at all. But he is always watching me. He is always alert. No one will fool him. If I could get out now... Where am I in?
He can't read my mind. Only mind is free, and it will flee away from here. I will turn prision into paradise, turn windows into cascades, turn birds into birds, turn floor into flowers. Beautyness is within us, not outside. And tonight the stars will bright brighter. Heaven is nearer. And my pain will not hurt me. I will hear sounds never heard.
But then I will hit the ground, and I will be again alone. And it's not the last time, not the first time, I break the circle around me. And the guard outside stands still. And no sound will disturb him. No light will make him close his eyes. No prayer remove him.
I have to leave, but no one will call me. And oustide there are spiders, and I'll get trapped in their sunwebs. And no one will save me. They've comed to eat my heels. Vade Retro aracnids! I'm safer here. And they'll blind me, and they'll eat me.
I've got a dream about color feathers arise with the wind. I dreamt with life. Just dreamt about somewhere else to be. Dream with leaving.
Understand Rael this is the end of your self. Move out our you're doomed! The only barrers you have to pass are those you have put against you.
I'm going.

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