domingo, 17 de febrero de 2008

For us is eternal

08 abril 2007

For us is eternal

Mankind: The condemned to suffer (Magic number is 27)
There was green grass under his feet. The grass was sharp and wet, the air filled of water. Stone-grey sky is above our heads. Sitting on the grass the young man stare the sky. The hole evening was grey. The whole sky was but a wall of clouds . It seemed it wanted to rain really hard but it couldn't, no matter how it tried. The cold breeze meets his hair. Everything was grey, except the green grass and a lonely flower in the middle of the garden. He stood up and took it. The longest death for a living being, it is said to be a flower without his roots. He sit again, and watched carefully at the sky, trying to see what is not to be seen.
He looks at the flower as he remembers how it was, how it is. How he tried. Took one blossom and leave it to the air. It flyied for a while. Now it lies on the ground. He took another one. Trying to understand why. Why he had failed, why he was there. The next blossom is on the air. He was trying to learn what he loved, what he feared. What he wanted. What he would wanted if he could. Few blossoms left. He wanted to know who he was, who he is, who he'll be. Two blossoms left. He will never know when his time is. When it was. The last one. What is for me to come?. A near-dead flower was left behind, as he wake up from the most futile thoughts a man may have. The old man stood up. And he left.
"Y en verdad os digo que un hombre
sólo está vivo en la medida en la
que lo estén sus sueños"

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