viernes, 21 de marzo de 2008

Out of the corner of your eye



    Can't you see it?


    It's always there, you almost can see it, a glimpse out of the corner of your eye.


    Can't you hear it?


    It's always with you, breathing in your neck. Turn around and it's breathing in your neck again.


    Can't you hear it?


     Wordless, laughing without sound. Waiting for the time to come. Like the delicate sound of thunder.


      Can't you smell it?


       No, you can't. If it would had an smell it would the the worst in this world.


     Can't you feel it?


     Always there, waiting for the eyes. Without it nothing would be. With it, nothing will be.


     With a heartless heart, waiting to take your breathe away, just a heartbeat away.


      What? Just a momentary lapse of reason.


       I'm glad uncounsciousness rules our lives.


       WAKE UP!


        You open your eyes and stand up. You walk to the window to open it. The sun is bright, the wind is fresh.


    So you smile. And cry. 


PD.- Please, don't worry

2 comentarios:

  1. Tanto miedo decías que me iba a dar leerlo que ahora que lo he leído no me parece para tanto( a lo mejor como está en inglés los matices se me escapan :P ).

  2. A Cid apenas le molan Pink Floyd ;)


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