viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

Goodbye old friends

It happened some time ago, but I just did not find the time to write. Or well, I did not have enough interest. Even the most simple of entries require some work, some time. It is possible to streamline a little the process if the entry is published without self reviewing it, but it certainly requires more time and more concentration than checking the phone for updates to some feeds.

Anyway, I told myself I will not make a lame entry about not making entries and here I am. Torn between the impulse to write some three hundred words about not updating this and the sensible idea to tackle some draft and make a small entry. So... let's get started.

Maybe I am not very inspired, but it is now or maybe in another six months...

Sometimes it happens. It is time to get rid of something that you are somewhat fond of. The decision has been made a long time ago, but the courage to execute it is never gathered. Until something gives you that little (or strong) push. And finally you are able to say googbye to that.

This time, I was really reluctant. I knew it was the right decision, but it was not easy. I even found more reasons of why that was a good idea. I also  was to going to get something out of the deal, so I finally did it.

And I regretted it almost instantly. I realize how much time I spent thinking on those. But the matter of fact is that is better to be able to use them rather than just think about them.

Then, a little time got by, and I could not be happier with the decision made. It had unforeseen benefits. Freeing up some space led to a reorganization and now I have much, much more space. And well, I met some new friends, friends who I do see very often.

At first, I missed a little the old guys, but it is better to move on, and I am using the new stuff A LOT.
It is better to remember fondly than to be tied to the past.
So, goodbye old friends, wish you luck.

Rereading the last year of this blog, it seems fitting to have a conclusion to the only thing that, apparently, has been important this year. Hence, 2018 shall be named, "the year I sold HeroQuest and Space Crusade". Captain Cid Dixit.

In summary, all is well and My little Scythe has seen a lot of play.


So that is it. A small post. Of course, it took some time. The idea was to start with the easiest post I could think of to get started and then to try to write more. It is in English because sometimes I wrote faster than in Spanish, probably because I rarely review posts in English. However, this time maybe it was a bad idea.

I guess it will not work, as always, but it was worth a shot. See you in the next post, probably the mandatory new year resolutions post.

1 comentario:

  1. Bueno, les habrás sacado una buena pastaca! Para pañales y crema para el culo, por lo menos! :P


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