martes, 31 de diciembre de 2024

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 The year is coming to an end. Few posts here, I do not really know what to use the blog for. I think idea posts like the last one might be the way. But I am quite unsure. Maybe if I change some schedules I might be able to put here a little bit more of time.

Has it been a good year? I think so, yeah probably. It is a bit strange to rate a year. I keep saying that there is no thing such as a "bad day", just a bad moment. Personally, no major events, nothing really bad.

Globally... that is another level. Many things happened this year, mainly the first great spanish disaster related to climate change. And it can be just the first of many. Besides that, there are so many signs of things that might go wrong that I cannot help but to worry. A lot.

  Maybe it is just me, that I am getting old (something I have been doing since I was born, technicaly). Or maybe there is something really broken with the political situation everywhere. Extremisms rise, left and right, everywhere. And I can only see tyrants trying to get more and more powerful.

I used to read a History blog, and many of the History's big changes started with some strange but not very big decisions from people in power who did underestimate their rivals. Appointing someone to a position thinking they would be able to control them, convoking elections thinking their rivals would never win, people voting for someone believing they will respect democracy... Well that last one is a bit more major. But every time there are political news anywhere I see steps in the wrong direction.

People are losing faith in politicians. And without them tyranny awaits. What kind of message is the appointment of military men as responsibles for political positions by a politician that has lost all credibility? That democracy does not work and the solution is a military dictatorship? 

  What would happen to us if democracy falls? What if the UE disintegrates?

Maybe I am getting paranoid, but it seems to me that everything is like a giant house of cards, and that a small gust of wind can provoke a major collapse.

I hope I am wrong, that things will get better, or at least, not much worse. Not very optimistic from my side, but maybe the first post of next year is brighter.

Until then, fare well.

There is no rewinding

 Recently I tried the SNES mini. Is a nice callback of simpler times. Nostalgia plays a big role in our current society. Why else should any...