viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2021

Sid Sackson or The rest of life goes on

 Well, it is again, that time of year. The time of looking back and evaluate how was the year and the time of looking towards the future to re-establish the new New Year's resolutions. Which will be, in most cases, very similar year after year. 

And what have we learned last year? Probably not much. Our hopes of recovering the old-normality were crushed, the future looks grimdark as, well, the future. People are getting more and more partisan, more extremist, something that I find particularly terrifying. And, if we already did not learned it, we learned that we, the people, never learn. However, in the personal level it was a good year for me, no complaints here. I even managed to write somewhat regularly although I fell a little short of my initial objective of a post per month.

Anyway, I was thinking of endings and heard about Sid Sackson. I love modern boardgames and, in some way, Sid Sackson can be considered the father of modern boardgaming. He designed many boardgames, some of which are still played today. For example he designed acquire in 1964, years and years ahead of his time. He was an avid collector and analyst of boardgames. He viewed boardgames as more than toys for children and did all that was in his hand to push boardgames beyond that. He died in 2002, longing for the games of the 1980s, which he thought were more interesting than the later ones which he found more uninspired. He died before he could see the explosion of the boardgaming hobby, before he could see the work of his life bear fruit, thinking all his efforts were in vain. Worse yet, he died after years of suffering Alzheimer's disease, and his carefully curated collection, which he hoped would go to a museum was haphazardly divided and sold in an auction. Gone with the wind.



I also have seen some articles in the vein of "10 years without some person", and that made  me think that if someone was to reappear from 10 years ago to today, that person will probably not understand some of the things that are going on. Life changes rapidly, specially lately. Sometimes, I think of all those people that seemed to have gone before they could see what the consequences of their actions and work. And the aforementioned Sid Sackson had a somewhat long life. What about those who died young? How many things they have missed. How many things they did not see change or maybe stay still that they thought will not last. How fast some things change, how still other things are. How sad that some grandparents never get to see their grandchildren, how even more sadder is that some parents never get to know their children and vice versa.

In any case, the end comes for all of us, and we will always left something behind. I remember when I started to notice that I will not see the end of some space missions that were starting. Now there are more and more of those long-term projects that will end after I do. But that is life. It cannot last forever, and we can only hope for a happy and long life with a dignified end.And try to enjoy the journey without worrying too much for its destination which we cannot change.

Well that was it, I hope the next one will not be so depressing. I really should not start posts with so little time, as the first thing that comes to mind to write is always of this kind. Anyway, ss the saying goes, new year, new life or something like that.

There is no rewinding

 Recently I tried the SNES mini. Is a nice callback of simpler times. Nostalgia plays a big role in our current society. Why else should any...