miércoles, 18 de enero de 2017

¿Ni siquiera la entrada de todos los años?

Not even? Not even this one?

You might say that you did not have time, but it is not true. You just did not make the time.

It is true that there is not much to say. We all know we are getting older. Everybody does, or else... the alternative is far worse.

I am becoming lazier every day. I know. I regret it, although not enough. But maybe, just maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Maybe, just maybe, if I can improve one little thing, anything, if I can set me a little goal, that requires some effort but not too much, maybe, just maybe, I can, I do not know, get a little less lazy.

I think I need to do it.

At the end these are only words, and words are gone with the wind. However, I do not know why I feel kind of positive now. Maybe it is just the date. Maybe. Let's hope I can do this. I need something, a little motivation maybe. I think I have it near me, just out of my grasp. And I better catch it before it is gone, before it is too late.

I was not planning to be positive at all, not today. But it just turned out this way and I am glad to have changed my mind on the fly, just in a few minutes, just in a few lines.

I have to get a little better. I do not know how, I do not know in what. However...

I have to do it.


There is no rewinding

 Recently I tried the SNES mini. Is a nice callback of simpler times. Nostalgia plays a big role in our current society. Why else should any...